Rare birds can turn up everywhere, but do you know where the true hotspots are in every season?
Where would you go birding when the wind is blowing from the east? And what about the other directions?
Do you know where in the Netherlands rare warblers or other species groups have been found?
Did you know that currently there are 541 bird species on the Dutch list (category A) and that about 40% of those are considered rarities.
Want to see which birds I managed to connect with? Click here.
What is rare here, is usually common elsewhere. Every patch is different and has its own challenging species. This is no different in my little corner of the birding world.
Siberian Rubythroat is one of about 80 extreme rarities on the Dutch list. Some discoveries go back to the nineteenth century, others were made only recently.
Thanks to all observers who reported their rare bird discoveries to waarneming.nl or dutchbirding.nl and submitted them to the rarities committee (CDNA).
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